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1.Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME on “Essentials of Pharmacovigilance Towards Patient Safety” was held on 10th February 2022 at Regional Training Center-PvPI (Pharmacovigilance Programme of India) for Tamil Nadu region, Institute of Pharmacology, Madras Medical College.

256 delegates were participated in the hybrid mode of CME among which 182 participants where Doctors, 1was a Pharmacist, 7 were Pharmacy Faculty members, 4 were Pharmacovigilance Associates and 62 were M.B.B.S, M.Pharm and B.Pharm students. During the CME, a quiz polling on Pharmacovigilance was conducted to refresh the participants and many were participated actively.

Dr.G.Chenthamarai welcomed Dr.E.Theranirajan, Dean, Madras Medical College, Dr.K.Baskaran, Vice Principal, Madras Medical College, Dr.Jai Prakash, Officer Incharge-PvPI, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission and all the participants of the CME. Dr.E.Theranirajan, Dean, Dr.K.Bhaskaran, Vice Principal and Dr.Jai Prakash, Officer In-Charge, PvPI highlighted on importance of ADR reporting for patient safety and to improve ADR reporting culture among Healthcare Professionals (HCPs).

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