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Name of the existing facility : Description in brief
1: The Institute of Biochemistry is a highly equipped and sophisticated laboratory which is fully interfaced with Laboratory Information Systems that facilitate efficient and rapid analysis and reporting
2: The Institute functions in various campuses owing to the vast scope of its services, and has successfully strategized the scope according to the need with a separate Out Patient collection and sampling and a dedicated In Patient sampling that functions round the clock. In addition to this The Institute of Child Health, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KGH, Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Institute of Mental health all have separate laboratory services encompassing the specific needs of the patient load each institute encounters.
3: The laboratory is currently using state of the art fully automated analysers with high throughout making sample analysis more precise and accurate
4: The Institute of Biochemistry, in addition to running routine Biochemical tests also has the infrastructure for Hormone Panels which are being run regularly , Therapeutic Drug Monitoring facilities can also be incorporated as one of the many achievements of the Institute.
5: The Institute also has facilities that provide Screening for Metabolic disorders using Tandem Mass Spectrometry which covers a wide panel and HPLC for Haemoglobin Disorders
6: The Institute of Biochemistry also does automated Electrophoresis with Immunotyping on regular day to day basis.
7: The Institute of Biochemistry is the first Government Institute to efficiently transfer samples using the Pneumatic chute systems for fast delivery and reporting of samples especially in the Emergency Departments
8: The Institute of Biochemistry is also equipped with an automated Vacutainer Decapper for safe processing of samples
9: The Institute of Biochemistry also has a fully functional Molecular Diagnostics Research laboratory that is capable of DNA extractions and analysis
10:The Institute of Biochemistry also has a vast range of academic activities to various courses including M.D Postgraduation in Biochemistry and various M.D.S courses in addition to undergraduate courses such as M.B.B.S, B.D.S, D.M.L.T, and other paramedical courses such as BSc Nursing, Post basic Nursing, BSc Nueroelectrophysiology, Optometry, Clinical Nutrition, Respiratory Therapy, Dialysis Technology, Cardiac Technology and Cardiac perfusion Technology. The institute is equipped with Research Laboratory and Practical laboratories to facilitate efficient Practical training for the same .



The Central Lab of Microbiology is located in Tower-1, Room No: 106
The various diagnostic sections of Microbiological laboratory include

  • National Reference Lab for HIV-NABL Accredited lab and ICTC
  • Bacteriology
  • Immunology
  • Serology
  • Mycology
  • Virology(VRDL)
  • Mycobacteriology
  • Parasitology
  • The various clinical samples from both inpatients & as well as outpatients are processed as per the standard protocols by using both Conventional and Automated Systems
    The reports are generated within the stipulated Turn around time for better patient care and treatment.



    The Institute of Pathology is 84 years young and has the wisdom and experience of the old and the energy, enthusiasm and vigor of the young. The Institute was founded ln 1934 and was then known as Goschen Institute of Pathology and the old timers fondly remember the block that houses the Institute as Goschen Block. Now it located in tower block 1(clinical pathology) and tower 3 cytopathology), Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital and in 3rd Floor of college building (Histopathology)

    The Institute had been named after George Joachim Goschen, II viscount, who was Governor of Madras from 1924-1929 & was the viceroy of India from 1929-1931

    The Institute was declared open on a Monday on March 26'h 1934 by his excellency Sir George Fredrick Stanley. It was only in the year 1936, after the opening of the new Goschen block, The first chair for the speciality was created and Prof.Srinivasulu Naidu became the first HOD of the department of Pathology. It was only in 1956, an exclusive M.D. Pathology degree was instituted in the department under the instruction of Medical Council of India. The institute was upgraded in 1980 and the first chair was designated and upgraded as Director of Institute of Pathology. Prof S Arumugam became the first director of this Institute in 1980 and has been succeeded by seventeen directors so far. The Institute of Pathology as it stands now provides diagnostic health care to lakhs of patients every year and undertakes teaching to thousands of students every year

    The Institute of Pathology has made gradual progress in its diagnostic and academic fields. Electron Microscopy was a major feature with many research activities underway, In the year 2015, Cytogenetics workstation was commissioned.

    From 2016, screening of PAP smear for the newly opened Master Health Checkup facility. New Diagnostic Modalities like Frozen section, ImmunoFluorescence, ImmunoHistoChemistry were added and became full fledged since 2017

    In the academic front :

    In 2010 Post Graduate seats increased from 4 to 10 Master Degree with 8 Diploma in clinical pathology. In 2019 MD seats were increased from 10 to18 and all DCP seats are converted to MD
    Since 2017, MD pathology students have been the university topper continuously from 2017-2019.
    Year 2020 was a landmark year for the Institute and the state. The Institute of Pathology as accredited with the ISO 15189:2012 by the NABL (National Accreditation Board for testing and Calibration Laboratories) on the 4th february 2020.

    The Institute of Pathology has the following both out-patient and in-patient services:

  • Clinical pathology laboratory (24 hours working)
  • Hematology includes hematology analysers (3 part and 6 part), Coagulation analysers, Peripheral smear study and Bone marrow studies with ancillary testing
  • Cytopathology of FNAC, fluid samples and screening of PAP smears
  • Histopathology with ancillary testing (Immunohistochemistry, histochemical stains, Frozen sections, Immunofluorescence )
  • Cytogenetics with FISH, karyotyping


    The clinical immunology lab has been an integral part of the Institute of Rheumatology ever since its inception from its humble beginnings in the early days of the department . The laboratory has been developed to the current state due to the untiring and dedicated hard work of all the Medical and Non Medical personnel who worked here.
    Our laboratory services cater primarily to the immunological testing requirements of both the outpatients and inpatients attending the Institute of Rheumatology and also extend its diagnostic facilities to all other departments of RGGGH and its allied institutions.We perform around 150 tests every day.Our lab is staffed with the following technicians and faculty

    Professor of Immunology 1
    Assistant Professor of Immunology 1
    Lab Supervisor 1
    Lab Technicians 6
    Lab attendant 2

    Our lab strives to provide quality reporting of speciality tests under one roof to the poor and needy rheumatological patients of RGGGH. We perform a range of immunology testing including the

  • Conventional latex agglutination test for Rheumatoid Factor (RF), C Reactive protein (CRP) and Anti-Streptolysin O (ASO)
  • ELISA testing for the following auto antibodies

  • 1. Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA)
    2. Anti double stranded DNA (dsDNA)
    3. Anti Cyclic Citrulinated Peptide (ACCP)
    4. Anti Beta 2 Glyco Protein 1 (ß2 GP1)
    5. Anti Cardiolipin (ACL)
    6. Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)
  • Immunofluorescence using HEP2000 Substrate for ANA and
  • RF,CRP,C3 & C4 by Nephelometry technique
  • Polarising microscopy
  • Lupus anticoagulant testing
  • ANA Profile of antibodies by immunoblot assay
  • Renal transplant Related Services

    Transplant immunology is an area which our lab has been serving consistently from 1988 for many decades now. Both elective related donor kidney transplants and emergency cadaver transplant programmes are supported by our lab. since 2009, the immunology lab has been the centre for 24x 7 tissue cross matching testing for cadaver organ transplant ever since the program was the first one to be launched in our state. The Nephrology and Microbiology teams co-ordinate with our lab to perform these tests so that the organ retrieval and transplant process goes on in a smooth and uninterrupted manner.

  • HLA cross-matching carried out using the lymphocytotoxicity (LCT) assay, done 24*7
  • HLA typing by lymphocytotoxicity (LCT) assay

    Institute of General Medicine

    Toxicology lab was started on 2008 in this prestigious institution
    Key components of the toxicology lab include advanced instrumentation,skilled personnel and stringent quality control measures
    We provide services exclusively for patients suffering from poisoning due to medicines ,drugs or chemicals and venomous bites

    Services offered here are

  • Complete blood count
  • Random blood sugar
  • Renal function test
  • Liver function test
  • Coagulation profile
  • Special investigations done here are

  • Urine toxic Screening
  • Paracetomol,Cannabinoids,Benzodiazepines,Cocaine,TCA, Phenothiazines,Paraquat
  • Blood alcohol level
  • Serum Methemoglobin
  • Toxic screening from gastric aspirate
  • Urine hemoglobin
  • Urine myoglobin
  • Creatine kinase
  • Serum Cholineesterase