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ART centre at RGGGH was started in the year 2005. Thirteen faculties are working with Nodal Officer.


All Seropositive patients with documented Seropositive report from ICTC throughout Tamilnadu will be registered for lifelong ART in our Centre.

2.Treatment Details

  • Patients who fails on First Line ART will be provided with Second Line ART drugs. Patients who fails on Second Line ART are identified for Third Line ART.
  • Concomitant Opportunistic Infections are treated comprehensively
  • ART, Other OI drugs and Multi Vitamins are provided in our ART Pharmacy.
  • 3.Lab Tests:

  • CD4 Testing ,Viral Load testing and other investigations needed for the patients are done in a Single Window System
  • Facility-ICTC services are provided for spouse and children screening
  • 4.Counselling:

  • Pre and Post test counseling
  • Positive Living / Positive Prevention counseling
  • Adherence counseling
  • Psychological counseling
  • Safe Sex counseling
  • Disclosure counseling
  • Discordant counseling
  • Nutrition counseling are also provided with trained Counselors
  • 5.Linages:

  • Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) for patients are identified and treated through Pharmacovigilance
  • All Specialities are linked to ART centre to give uniform and comprehensive care to all Seropositive patients without stigma and discrimination
  • All surgeries needed for the patients are carried out through proper coordination with surgical specialities
  • Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for needle stick injuries for Health Care Providers are provided in our centre
  • 6.Social Benefits schemes

  • Uzhavar Pathukappu Thittam
  • Widow pension
  • Orphan and Vulnerable Child(OVC) schemes for orphan kids
  • Free Bus Pass
  • Free Legal Aid Clinic are provided