· Florence Nightingale, born in 12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910 was an English social reformer and the founder of Modern Nursing.
· She came to prominence while serving as a manager of nurses trained by her during the Crimean War, where she organized nursing care to wounded soldiers.
· She gave nursing a highly favorable reputation and became an icon of Victorian culture, especially in the persona of "The Lady with the Lamp" making rounds of wounded soldiers at night.
· Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life.
· Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice.
· Development of the nursing profession is an essential goal of nursing education. One way to reach the goal is by clarifying professional status, a status which for the most part is transferred through tactic knowledge.
· Graduate programme is essential to prepare nurses to improve the quality of nursing education and practice in India. .
· Post graduate programme in nursing builds upon and extends competence acquired at the graduate levels, emphasizes application of relevant theories into nursing practice, education, administration and development of research skills.
· The programme prepares nurses for leadership position in nursing and health fields who can function as nurse specialists, consultants, educators, administrators and Researchers in a wide variety of professional settings in meeting the National priorities and the changing needs of the society.
Ø College of Nursing, was started in the year 1967 at Madras Medical College Chennai with an annual intake of 10 students for BSc(N) degree course, for service candidates(Nurses with Diploma qualification)
Ø In 1970 B.Sc(N) for Trained Nurses was started with the intake of 20 students
Ø In 1980 B.Sc(N) for Trained Nurses was enhanced with intake of 30 students
Ø Basic BSc Four years Programme was started in 1982 with annual intake of 25 students.
Ø The annual intake of Post Basic program as increased from 30 to 40 (30 service candidate, 10 non-service candidate)
Ø The MSc Nursing 2 years program was started in 1997 with annual intake of 8 students (2 seats each for Medical Surgical Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Obs.& Gyn. Nursing and Community health Nursing.)
Ø The annual intake of MSc Nursing was increased from 8 to 22.
Ø In 2011. The annual intake of MSc was increased from 22 to 40 (for each specialty 8 seats), and the BSc Nursing annual intake was increased from 25 to 50.
Ø In 2015, College of Nursing was identified as “National Nodal Centre”(NNC) by Govt of India for Pre-Service Education.
Ø In 2020, College of Nursing was designated as “National Midwifery Training Institute”(NMTI) by the Govt of India.
Ø In 20023, Nurse Midwifery Practitioner (NPM) course was started at NMTI, College of Nursing, MMC with an annual intake of 30 students.
Ø Recently Government of Tamilnadu has permitted to start Post Basic Diploma in Neonatal Nursing care one year course with annual intake of 20 students.
Ø Also Government of Tamilnadu has permitted to start Post Basic Diploma in critical care specialty nursing one year course with annual intake of 20 students.
Ø Now totally 360 students are studying in College of Nursing, MMC, Chennai. All students who selected through the selection committee for the admission to this College of Nursing will be the excellent Academic performer and apart from their socio economic background.
Ø The College of Nursing will be proposed to start PhD Programme as presently there are 4 Faculties with PhD qualifications.
· Students should have minimum attendance of 80% in theory and 80% in practical for each subject in an academic year is mandatory for appearing the university examination and should complete 100% attendance in each of the practical areas before awarding the degree is compulsory.
· Minimum of 50% marks in the internal mark is compulsory for appearing for University examination.
· Minimum pass marks shall be 50 percent in each theory and practical examination separately in University examination.
· The University examination will be held at the end of each academic year conducted and supplementary examination as notified by the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University, Chennai.
· Students must wear the uniform prescribed by the college for classroom, clinical and community posting.
· Punctuality should be maintained during class hours and clinical hours.
· Use of Cell phone is prohibited in the class room and clinical area.
· Student nurses are to make point of reading the notice board daily.
· College property to be respected and taken care of by each student/ incumbent of the institution
· All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested with the Principal and/or Dean, MMC, Chennai.